Chicago gay pride flag

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If you get caught, you could get a $1,000 ticket. But organizers say there will be more security this year and a “tighter rein on public alcohol consumption.” In years past, this seemed more like a recommendation than a law because enforcement was sparse. It begins in the Uptown neighborhood, at the intersection of Broadway and Montrose Avenue, and heads south toward Halsted Street. The parade is Sunday, June 30 and starts at noon. Here’s a rundown of what you need to know about the parade, along with tips from folks in the LGBTQ community on how to have the most fun if you’ve never been to the event.

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The riots are widely considered a turning point for the modern gay rights movement.Ĭhicago organizers estimate about 1 million people will attend this year’s Pride Parade, which is a whole lotta people in one area of a city with a total population just shy of 3 million. This year’s parade comes during the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, when New York City police raided a gay bar called the Stonewall Inn and clashed with gay activists. The Chicago Pride Parade is Sunday, and the celebration of the LGBTQ community will be part political demonstration and part gay St.

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